was getting very stressed-out by all the horror stories I was
hearing on deliveries. On the other hand, I strongly believe
in the power of the mind and was convinced that my body possesses
everything needed to give birth in a natural and harmonious
way. This is exactly what hypnosis for childbirth was offering
me. When the big day arrived, I was calm and confident thanks
to the hypnosis preparation I had done. My labor went very smoothly
and rapidly. We also appreciated very much to be able to live
this experience in a calm, peaceful and loving atmosphere. What
more can we ask for but to be able to live a similar or even
better experience next time?
- Isabelle Pagˇ, television reporter for TVA television and Eliot,
4 months
me, giving birth with the help of hypnosis was a revelation·
My first delivery ended-up in a cesarean section after a long
labor of 20 hours and I was very frightened to go through
a similar experience. Hypnosis allowed me to realize all my
capacities and those of my baby and showed me to trust myself.
I wanted to try a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean ) and
to be able to live the experience in my entire being, in a
natural way. On January 14th 2005 at 2:12 a.m. I finally succeeded!
My 9 pounds baby was put in my arms. I am fulfilled and very
proud of myself. Choosing hypnosis to give birth to my son
was the best decision I have taken in my life!
- Marie-Claude Berger, mother of Mathis 2 and a half year
old and Nathan 6 weeks
I am thrilled to have had my second child, like my first, with the help of hypnosis for childbirth. I am thankful for the calmness and confidence hypnosis provided for both. No drugs. No screaming. I highly suggest it to anyone open to the possibility.
- Karen Coombs

Anxiety and insomnia
had taken over my life for a couple of years and I had been told
that there was nothing to do, that this was in my nature. I tried
many relaxation aids like meditation, tai chi, readings and soft music. I even tried pills when anxiety became unbearable.
I recently heard about the self-hypnosis recording "overcoming stress
with hypnotherapy". I told myself that, at this point, I had nothing
to lose. I listened to this recording for 21 days every day and
I can say I am amazed at the results! I am so much calmer and I
sleep entire nights now. From now on, if I feel anxiety or stress
coming, I easily apply the technique I have learned and instantly
I feel peace and calm back in my life.
Thank you Nathalie!
- Suzanne H.
Hello Nathalie.
This is it...I have broken the ice! I just gave my first Hypno-Beginning© class today.
As a result, the mother is amazed, the father is a true believer...and the instructor is totally wowed! I am looking forward to the next class!
- Diane, Certified Hypno-Beginning© Instructor
I am a mother of four and I sadly only discovered hypnosis for childbirth for the last one, our son J-C. Although a little skeptical at first, my husband and I decided to attend the classes with an open mind. The results were astounding!
We had a birth in calm and serenity to a point where the nurse thought I was sleeping a couple of minutes before giving birth.
I was also very pleased with the fact that I kept full control of my body while pushing my baby into this world.
We do have one regret though: that we did not know of hypnosis for childbirth before!
- Mylene
I have chosen hypnosis for childbirth because it is a user friendly tool. It helped me manage my fears about giving birth. I am proud to say I made a healthy choice for myself and my baby. Therefore, my baby came into this world gently, calmly, naturally. I thereafter used the method for a quick recuperation. I am mostly proud of my personal accomplishment.
- Marleen, mother of Christophe
I used hypnosis for childbirth during my fourth pregnancy. I was then able to compare its efficiency and appreciate its benefits. I was very happy to enjoy half an hour per day of quiet time only for myself. When I was doing the relaxations two weeks before the birth, I could feel my little Naomie gently sliding down. Two hours after my first regular contraction started, my little flower was born in a room where everyone was respectfully whispering. I had a more calm and enjoyable birth. The magic worked! Furthermore, I use what I have learned in hypnosis everyday of my life!
- Isabelle Pelletier and Daniel, parents of Gabriel, Cˇdrik, Sandrine and Naomie
The Birth of Margot
Today, I felt that the birth was coming. My daughter Virginie was preparing her personal belongings for the hospital, she too knew.
When midnight came, my contractions started softly. I took a bath and started the complete relaxation of my body. I was visualizing my cervix opening like a flower during my contractions. A more relaxed body creates endorphins which enables it to accomplish its work more efficiently and with minimal discomfort.
Then, the contractions came closer together. I was visualizing the switch that I was able to put down in my mind, thus providing me with a powerful anesthesia of my body. I was putting back up a few secondary switches to be able to talk and walk between contractions. I also created my protective bubble to protect me from any exterior disruption. In the beginning, I had included everyone in my bubble but since there was a lot of excitement, I decided
to evacuate everyone out of my bubble! I later realized that only my doctor, Nathalie was inside my bubble. I found this to be very reassuring and I would not do it any other way.
After arriving at the hospital, I knew that people were surrounding me but I was able to discard the noise and stay focused. I felt their presence and knew they had a very important role to play. My faith in them was complete. My cervix was then dilated at 4 centimeters but was so soft that it opened easily at seven centimeters during a contraction. I was now in the active phase of labor. Since I had left home, I had someone do an anchoring every
time I had a contraction to help me go into a deep state of hypnosis. Hence, at the beginning of every contraction, my husband, my friend or my older daughter would gently press on my right shoulder to guide me into a very comfortable state of hypnosis. I stayed up or leaned against the physio-ball, completely relaxed. My spouse was helping by doing nice pressures on my pelvis which helped a lot to bring comfort to my back.
When I entered the second stage of labor., the one where I was ready to push my baby out, my water broke naturally. I felt a brief moment of panic but Nathalie signaled me to lower my anesthesia lever and go deeper in hypnosis. It worked perfectly!
During the four pushes I did, I followed the descent of Margot. I felt her pushes and followed them.
Once her shoulders were out, I quickly grabbed her and finished her exit like I had previously agreed with Nathalie.
Then, came the time for the nurse to massage my uterus to control the bleeding after the birth. The nurse warned me that this would be painful. Nathalie asked her to wait a second, signaled me again to lower my anesthesia lever and I did not feel this unbearable pain I had felt after my first birth. Then, I had found this to be more painful than the birth but this time I felt nothing uncomfortable.
Margot was born very softly. She was born in a very calm way and was very calm at birth. She still is.
- Sophie Gagnon and Alain
Using hypnosis helps demystify and install confidence in both the pregnant woman and her birth partner. They can give birth naturally as women have been doing since the beginning of time. The practice gives the ability to bring yourself into such deep relaxation that the mind is able to naturally numb the body.The birth can then take place easily while remaining attentive to the moment. We loved our birthing experience and would not change a thing!
- Josh and Annie
Using hypnosis for childbirth has been an extraordinary revelation for me for many reasons. First, it allowed me to become confident toward the birth and to remove the fear of the unknown.
The program also gave me an opportunity to relax everyday. I now know I can achieve anything with the help of hypnosis. I had a calm, peaceful and even happy birth. Right after the birth, I was able to walk and I felt very well. My husband and I were able to enjoy the birth of our little girl with the help of this program. Thanks a lot!
- Divna
Dear Dr Nathalie, I just wanted to let you know how you changed my life. Before, my blood pressure was too high and there was a very high level of stress in our lives. You showed me how my life can change just by changing my mind. I am a believer! By listening the "Perfect Harmony" and other self-hypnosis recordings, I can relax and feel energized. You have been a very important influence in my personal recovery. I want to express today my sincere appreciation for this high quality care you provided me by your hypnotherapy CDs. Thank you very much.
- R.D.R., Austin, Texas
Hypnosis for childbirth helped me realize one of my deepest wishes: a 100% natural and comfortable birth. This technique helped me relax and allow my body to accomplish its work. I was so calm and relaxed that people had to look at the monitor to know if I was having a contraction, I looked like I was sleeping! After the birth, all I could say was:" I can't believe it, it's already finished, it went so fast!" My little baby was in my arms, resting peacefully and calmly. Thank you Nathalie for this ideal birth!
- Jacinthe Ironman, mother of Amelie 2 years old and Julien 1 month
Thanks to Dr Nathalie Fiset, I have discovered a new philosophy on childbirth. I was able to give birth to our little angel in a calm and peaceful environment in the most natural possible way. I enjoyed every second of the birth of my first baby. Our daughter was born very softly, with classical music playing in the background. Hypnosis for childbirth made this experience a magical one! Thank you Nathalie!
- Mˇlanie Gagnon |
 Picture by "Magenta Studios" |
Hypnosis has given me the confidence for my second birth (and the ones to come...!) The first time, I was submerged by the intensity of my labor and I had a very hard time dealing with the pain. I then asked myself how I could deal with a second birth, especially if I wanted it to be all natural. During my pregnancy, I researched a way to address the fear and the pain, two things that are closely linked. I, then, came across hypnosis. Although I did not know what to expect, I rapidly realized I was developing a powerful tool which could help me stay calm and positive during the birth. It happened exactly that way: I had a very rapid and happy birth. When my son was put into my arms, I realized that I was ready for a third one! Thank you again for everything!
- Mafalda, mother of Layth and Felix
I immediately believed in hypnosis for childbirth. It made sense to me. During my labor., I had time to sleep and even dream between contractions. Finally, with the help of hypnosis, I can now tell you that even though I felt all my contractions, it was not that bad at all!
- Sophie, mother of Julien
The biggest contribution of the Hypno-Beginning© program is that it presents birth as a positive experience. Furthermore, hypnosis helped me a lot during the last trimester of my pregnancy; whenever I was tired, half an hour of hypnosis felt more rejuvenating than a full night of sleep.
This program helped me get rid of my fears of giving birth and allowed me to foresee the birth of my son with confidence and positivism. I felt strong.
During the birth, I was relaxed and focused. I even took many contractions with a smile on my face knowing they were getting me closer to my baby.
I still use many of the hypnosis techniques I have learned when I feel tired or stressed-out. I believe I will keep using them all my life.
- Marie-Pierre Duval
Hypnosis for childbirth is, in my opinion, the best gift future parents can give their little baby:
- A calm and serene pregnancy
- An active participation of the father during the birth
- A happy and natural birth
- A calm and confident baby
- A mentally and physically healthy mother
I sincerely think that every woman should have access to a hypnosis for childbirth program, that the government should go ahead. This would lower the rate of medical interventions during births. I am convinced that everyone would come out a winner from this.
Thank you Nathalie for making me discover this force of nature!
Thanks to my husband and myself for having faith in the method
Nicole Tanguay, mother of Justin and Ludovic
I want to take a moment to thank you sincerely because your method provides me with great relaxation and a profound well-being. I am happy to have discovered your wonderful web site. I recommended it to many of my friends hoping they will benefit from it as much as I do.
Nancy St-Pierre
Hello Nathalie
My first group session went very well and I am very proud of myself. The expectant couples are great and I am very happy.
Hurray for the self-confidence hypnosis CD!!! ( I only listened to it 5 times )
Thania, Hypno-Beginning© educator
The self-hypnosis techniques Dr. Fiset taught me worked very well. I was astonished to feel my contractions passing like on a cloud. I remember everything but never felt a discomfort to a point I would ask for medications to help me give birth. I felt every contraction like a wave. This allowed me to have the natural birth I desired. I have a beautiful, healthy girl. Thank you very much Dr. Fiset.
Anick Labrosse, Marek Burchard and Maxime Burchard
During my labor, I go so deeply into relaxation that I barely feel my contractions. My whole body is like Jello! I am reassured. The contractions are there but don't hurt me.
Besides the discomfort during the pushing part, I lived the ideal birth. I am proud of myself. Hypnosis has been for me like a lighthouse that guided me through my labor. I surpassed myself with the help of hypnosis.
Sophie, Mathieu...and Edouard

After four private sessions with our Hypno-Beginning© instructor, I understood the benefits and the power of hypnosis. I was able to enjoy these moments of great relaxation and let go.
During labor, I enjoyed listening to the positive messages on the CD and visualizing my protective bubble. My spouse was giving me massages and I was capable of staying calm and very well aware of my body. Most of all, I was able to LIVE THE PERFECT BIRTH I HAD PLANNED!
If I had to do it all again, I would not change a thing on this fantastic day of February 7th!
Marie-Pierre, mother of Oliver
I have always been nervous when going to the hospital without ever knowing the reason.Hence,for my delivery, I wanted to prepare myself mentally in order for everything to go for the best. And this is exactly what happened thanks to hypnosis. I got to the hospital very calm and relaxed. My preparation helped me foresee
this event positively long before it ever happened. The more I practiced, the more confident and calm I got. As a consequence, the delivery went very fast. Only two hours after being dilated at one centimeter, my daughter was put in my arms, calm and alert. People often asked me where I was during my labor because I seemed elsewhere...but I have never experienced being so much in the here and NOW! I was completely focused on my womb, with my baby. I could feel her every movements, her
every needs. I was mentally following her descent, well focused on being relaxed to allow her an easy passage.My delivery happened like I wished for, all naturally, without any drugs in a very reassuring and positive environment. Hypnosis allows all this and also brings a nice philosophy on life and a way of thinking.
Thank you for everything and see you in three or four years!
Veronique, Daniel and Jorane
Hello, Here is a little positive feedback. I am very happy to have acquired the "peaceful sleep" recording. I liked very much your CD. The sound of your voice and the background music are very relaxing. Hence, and even if I don't have earphones, I get into a very pleasant state. I realized this when I felt like my hands were floating. I did my entire session while resting on my bed. Although your voice accompanies me, my mind just gently drifts away.
I will use it again tonight. I felt asleep right after listening to the CD.
I am very happy to have believed in hypnosis. This powerful tool is now part of my daily life. It helped me throughout my whole pregnancy, providing me with special free time for myself. During my very short labor, which lasted less than an hour, I was able to go briefly to my "perfect place" and keep a certain control. Today, I still find time to go back to this marvelous place and enjoy quiet time. Only a few minutes of self-hypnosis per day helps me get back on track with my three children and the thrilling rhythm that comes with this wonderful happiness!
Thank you so much Nathalie!
Sylvie Adams
I've been afraid of giving birth my whole life. When the time came to have a baby and I had the chance to have Dr. Fiset as a doctor, I welcomed self-hypnosis. Thanks to hypnosis, my fears related to this moment, vanished. I knew that everything was going to be alright and my pregnancy went without any stress.
Listening to the hypno-beginning CD's twice per day before giving birth made imagining my favorite place easy. Because of the CD's, I was looking forward to the day I would give birth. My favorite moment was the pushing part. In less than twenty minutes, my baby was born. Now, I can really appreciate the power of hypnosis. It was pure magic! I felt like I was on a cloud and very calm throughout the whole labor experience.
Laurence, Gregory and Thimeo
All of my three pregnancies, especially my deliveries, have given me the chance to surpass myself. Self-hypnosis strengthened my confidence and gave me the capacities to fully live the birth. Just like all those mental preparations athletes do, hypnosis helped me prepare myself for my best performance ever-the birth of my daughter Raphaelle!
Thank you again,
You came on April 21, precious little treasure. Your father and big brother lovingly watching as I was helping you gently enter this world. Loubna, you brought peace and happiness into our hearts. Together, yes we can feel it, the world will be a better place, filled with flowers and understanding. And, if there is no moon above to witness our joy...we will build one together!
The Kurt-Groulx Family

I wanted to share my experience with you. I had bought the Hypno-Beginning home study course and listened to the CDs many weeks before the birth. I was then able to relax and control the reactions within my body. When my labor started, I felt ready and confident.
I went into the tub when I was dilated at 4 or 5 centimeters and stayed in the water for the rest of my labor. My husband was massaging my back and my sister was refreshing me.
During the whole birthing process, I did not panic, I kept control and did everything at my own pace, without any unnecessary interventions. I had the birth I was dreaming of. I could not have asked for more.
My baby Jonathan surprised everyone when he arrived: he weighed 10 pounds! I did not need any stitches.
I felt very well and full of energy right after the birth.
Valerie Geoffroy

I wanted to tell you that I had my baby on May 11th. He weighed 9 pounds 11 ounces and measured 20 inches. I broke my water at 9:45 a.m. and my little treasure was born at 13:56. Not bad for a first baby! The delivery went very well and the medical personnel were very surprised to see how fast I naturally gave birth to my little baby. During my labor, I applied the techniques of relaxation and hypnosis I had learned and I am convinced that it helped
me a lot.
I want to thank you for the wonderful experience you helped me live.
Julie, mother of Etienne

A fabulous natural birth experience: On may 3rd 2006, Arnaud, our little baby was born in a calm atmosphere. This unique and beautiful experience was even better than what Luc and I had imagined.
We had the best set-up: First, we had chosen a very competent and devoted Doula. Then, we had chosen a hospital which is open-minded. Most of all, by choosing Dr Nathalie Fiset, we felt supported in our desire to give birth naturally. Furthermore, Dr Fiset created the Hypno-Beginning © method for a comfortable birth. This technique greatly helped my labor while lowering the level of discomfort and enjoying every minute of this fabulous journey.
Thank you,

Hello Nathalie,
We are so grateful for the Hypno-Beginning program! In the least, it is awesome!!! We did not have any pre-conceived idea regarding the birth of our son, all we wanted was a natural and calm birth. We got what we asked for, and much more! To be able to live the birth of your baby in a calm, natural environment without any pain medication is the best gift any woman can give herself. I admit I was a little skeptical at first but now I am a firm believer that anyone who strongly believes in their inner
power is able to go into deep hypnosis whenever needed. I want to thank you for creating this program. With your hard work, you give everyone the chance to live the birth of their dreams.
Andre, Melanie and William xxx

Hi Nathalie!
I am using your program for stress relief and I just love it. I have attained my goals already! This CD was a first approach to handling my stress, and it worked wonderfully. What interests me most about your programs is your hypnosis programs for childbirth. I can't wait to try more of your recordings. Thank you for everything! Your program is truly fantastic. I refer it to all my friends!!
Valerie Fontaine
June 2006
For my first delivery I had the great joy and total satisfaction to have reached two major goals of mine: to give birth without medication...and fear. I am already thinking of the future ones! All of this was possible thanks to the incredible Hypno-Beginning© method developed by Dr. Nathalie Fiset. I want to also thank Josette Charpentier, our fantastic Doula and the incredible medical team at Anna Laberge hospital.
Alex, Samuel and the little Sacha

Hi Nathalie!
"Hypnosis for me has been an unforgettable experience! I was able to acquire self-confidence, serenity and calm during the last weeks of my pregnancy that I had not experienced during the birth of my first baby.
Hypnosis helped me, during my labor, to stay in control and be one with my baby and my own body thus making the birth easier. My labor went faster, and especially more efficiently and most important, the birth was softer and more serene."
Thank you, thank you Nathalie and looking forward to see you soon!
Marie-Christine xx
Just a few weeks ago I purchased two of yours CD's, including one for pain control. As earlier mentioned, I am suffering from polynevritis. I found your CD's to be very relaxing and very helpful.
I also find that your voice is very pleasant and invites to relax.
Thank you for everything,
Yolande Gignac
I always dreaded giving birth...it used to scare me. Every woman should know about hypnosis for childbirth. Now, I have a completely different vision of this event.
I got to realize the fantastic power of this method when I saw the reactions from the nurse and the doctor. My whole labor lasted 4 hours and I did not need the epidural. Before learning the Hypno-Beginning program, I thought that it was impossible to give birth without screaming and suffering.
Thanks to Thania, my instructor, I had a calm and painless birth. I was very happy to take my baby in my arms and fully live the moment.
Thank you Thania,
Sarah St-Louis, mother of Lyanna
My delivery...
When I think back to the birth of my baby, I cannot help but be amazed at how fast and easily I was able to control the pain with my self-hypnosis techniques. Thanks to my Doula, Josette Charpentier, I entered hypnosis rapidly when the active labor started. Every contraction, I was able to let go and enter a deep state of relaxation while listening to the gold CD.
When I arrived at the hospital, the doctors were impressed to realize how calm and in control I was. Even during the pushing phase, I was able to stay focused and calm. I felt like the most blessed mother possible when my husband put our little girl on my belly.
Sonia and Jasmin proud parents of Anouk

Simply "Fantastic"!
Since my hospital was nearly an hour away, I had most of my contractions in the car on the way. I was able to get myself to that calm place within self-hypnosis and be serene for the trip to the hospital. Once I arrived in my hospital room, I focused and was very relaxed. Hypnosis gave me the energy in the end to push and feel very good, even if it was 3:00 AM...I will cherish these moments forever!
Isabelle and Augustin Beloeil

Hi Nathalie,
I want to thank you for the Hypno-Beginning program! It not only helped me prepare for the adventure of becoming a mother, it also kept me very calm and serene during my labor and birth. Thank you so much for this program!
Gabrielle and Baby Matthieu
Dear Dr. Fiset,
I found the Hypno-Beginning CDs were a wonderful way to prepare for the birth of my son. I really enjoyed the relaxation that hypnosis gave me. I experienced absolute serenity on the long drive to the hospital (while in labor). My son was born naturally and the delivery was much easier than my first one (without hypnosis). I experienced a very fast recovery, as did my son. He has been a remarkably content baby thus far - and we are all very pleased with his good "beginning".
Thank you sincerely,
-Johanna Griffith

I want to thank you for your wonderful self-hypnosis products (I've been so satisfied the CD's that I have bought 16 so far).
For a few years I had a very dark outlook on life. Since I've started listening to your CD's, my life has changed so much. Now my days are filled with rainbows instead of gloom.
I used to have trouble walking down the street because of how shy I was. Now I enjoy the smell of flowers and the lake view.
Thank you for everything!
June 2006:
The birth was like the one I had always dreamed of: natural, calm and fast. My labor lasted only 3 hours and 15 minutes. This was my first baby. It happened in such calm and perfect harmony that I was amazed. I never stopped focusing on my baby during the birth. I was very relaxed which allowed my body to accomplish its job quickly. I was living in the moment.
Thank you Dr. Fiset for this marvelous approach that enabled me to live an extraordinary birth.
Mental power is the most powerful machine we possess. I now have the proof and I will apply these techniques for the rest of my life.
Thank you!

July 18th, 00:16
Our little Hector is born...in "perfectharmony".
A perfect birth, as much for his parents as for himself. Hector was born in peace and quietness. Happiness was palpable!
I wanted to live this birth in the most natural possible way ... in full control of what I was experiencing and I discovered Hypno-Beginning© and I succeeded! My husband and I lived an incredible experience; six short hours of amazement spent realizing the power and beauty of life. The human body is an incredible machine and giving life is a natural function for it...you only have to trust your body and the magic happens!!
Thank you Nathalie for giving us the keys to live this birth in "aperfectharmony" We are already looking forward to our fourth baby...!
Thanks a lot!
Catherine, Jean-Sebastien, Marie-Soleil, Sara-Maude and Hector xxx
The birth of my little angel
Thank you Nathalie for helping me discover hypnosis!
One evening, after a long walk, my contractions started · no rest as they were already strong. By luck, I had my MP3 player with me. Same thing in the car: no pain. Just your voice Nathalie quietly on my player, was indispensable and I was able to stay calm and focused.
The nurses were amazed at the hospital. I was aware of every moment and I remember every minute of my labor. I was able to walk and talk, laugh and take baths with no umbearable pain.
Wow! it was truly fantastic. Finally, our little angel was born - a perfect little baby, calm and so beautiful. He is always happy and smiling and he even sleeps at night!
Hypnosis helped me live a wonderful experience!
Looking forward to seeing you again for my third baby.
Genevieve, mother of Benjamin and Raphael
The self-hypnosis classes helped me prepare for a truly natural childbirth. The classes gave me confidence and lifted my fears and apprehensions of the pain associated with contractions. It is a tool that helps to relax and much more too!
I had a long labor but I was able to go through it without any epidural, cesarean or any other medical intervention thanks to self-hypnosis. When I felt like I could not make it, I simply listened to the Gold CD and it gave me the strength I needed through the hours.
Nathalie Cavezalli
I was really scared of giving birth. In fact, I was scared of the pain and had a terrible fear of needles!! I just loved our Hypno-Beginning© preparatory sessions which helped me relax deeply and rapidly. As for the birth, we arrived at the hospital around 9 p.m. and four hours and a half later, I had my baby boy in my arms. Everything went well. My spouse actively participated in the birthing process. Everything went as we hoped.
Thank you Thania for accompanying us in this marvelous journey. This provided us with a powerful tool for life: "HYPNOSIS". Thank you for everything.
I recommend hypnosis to every woman who desire a natural childbirth and a fast recovery. I am still amazed by the power of the subconscious mind!!!
Marie-Claude, Eric and baby William
In the beginning I was afraid to be hypnotized. In fact, my biggest fear was that I would not be able to go into hypnosis when the moment of the birth arrived and I imagined
the pain would be at its greatest.
Fortunately all went very well. The birth of my second daughter occurred in a very gentle and calm way. Even my husband was amazed. He had seen me suffer during the birth of my first daughter Jade and now he witnessed how relaxed I was for the birth of Arielle. My labor went very well, the pain was minimized and I was able to relax completely between contractions. The Hypno-Beginning© program has been a wonderful experience that will keep helping me in the future.
Thank you very much Dr Nathalie (this is how my daughter calls you affectionately)
France, mother of Jade 2 years old and Arielle 4 months
I prepared for each of my three birth in the same manner, relaxing my body and clearing my mind in order to be ready to live the birth process calmly and in happiness. Each of my deliveries were rapid and amazing, but this third birth allowed me to reach a peak where I was able to completely master the whole situation (not control it). The labour was so peaceful that my nurse assumed I was sleeping, but in fact I was in complete communication with my innerself and with my baby. I can honestly say I was very very happy - I did feel some pain but it was a good inner feeling. This method of giving birth is possible for every woman and the program Hypno-Beginning© allows every woman to have the birth she is aspiring to have, making it a natural, fulfilling and beautiful experience.
Mich¸le Boudreau, Mario Hache's wife and mother of Simon, Marika and Noah
The Hypno-Beginning© program helped us to return to
the basis of things and to regain
contact with our own natural instincts. You only need to
believe, want and allow yourself to give birth peacefully.
When my labor first commenced, I got in touch with my inner
birthing instincts & surprised myself as I was able to
develop my own breathing & mental imaging. Everything
happened before my own eyes and I just knew I had the
capability within myself.
Birthing is an experience of uncertainty and challenge. It
is easy to think that hypnosis may distance the mother from
the birth experience but in fact the opposite happens. The
mother becomes totally immersed in the process and is the
main actor in this wonderful experience. Very quickly you
surprise yourself by pushing this wonderful new life into
the world sealing forever this moment in your life!
Thank you Nathalie for your calm and trust but foremost
thank you for keeping things simple. Thank you Josette for
your support, your friendship and your devotion!
Genevieve,Nicolas and Jules
Deep down I knew that giving birth is a natural event but I was still feaful of the process. However Hypno-Beginning© gave me the confidence and the tools for the process. The birth of my baby occurred in a very natural, calm and serene environment, allowing us to live the experience to the fullest. What a wonderful way to be born into this world!
Fanie,Vincent and Emyloup
My first delivery was long and painful and almost over medicated; for my second pregnancy I decided that everything would be to my own advantage, being well prepared, chosing my hostpital and my doctor who would respect my beliefs and expectations. I read a testimonial of a lady who had used hypnosis for child birth and decided what a way to give birth, calmly and softly without pain. My labour was well in progress but I was so relaxed I thought I was going to the hospital was a false alarm! I had a very beautiful and fast birth, with no pain and no medication; it was almost like a dream .....
Julie, Mathieu and baby Rose-Anne
Hi Nathalie
I want to inform you about my birthing experience with Hypno-Beginning© recently. All night I had contractions that were five mins apart and I was able to control the pain using my CDs. At 11:00a.m. after 12 hours of contractions each 5 minutes, I was very tired having slept very little the night before. At 3:34 p.m. Baby Rosalie arrived into this world. I can say that the CDs helped me during a good section of my labor. I definitely want to re-use hypnosis during my next delivery. Thank you for everything. Your programme really helped me even though I had to have an epidural in the end.
Stephanie and Baby Rosalie
I felt my wife needed me more for the birth of our son Mathis. She asked me to help her during the strong periods of her labor and it actually helped me get more involved and feel more useful. I was so glad to be of more help than just bringing cold face cloths for her. She was totally in control of the situation and was very calm, thanks to this well organized and well structured program. Our little son Mathis was born quickly and peacefully - about half an hour after the water broke, to my amazement! We were so happy to welcome our son and his mother was able to spend time with her new born on her tummy, finally! This program is turly a great asset for fathers as well as for mothers. I am vso pleased I got to live the Hypno-Beginning© experience!
When all goes well with the Hypno-Beginning© program, it is more the doctor than the father who feels helpless!
What a superb day!
And such a revelation the Hypno-Beginning© program was! For many, birth can be compared to the marathon, a great suffering experience! I now can say honestly that any woman who feels ready, with the support of her partner, to give birth under her own terms, simply must join the Hypno-Beginning© program. Thank you Gerard (hypnotherapist) who helped us use this fantastic tool!
Cathy Blanchet St-Faustin
Emma's birth with the Hypno-Beginning© program on February 22th 2007...
I want to say a big THANK YOU for having created this fabulous program of self hypnosis, which is simple and efficient. My first labor was 22 hours and I am proud to say my second birth ( with hypnosis) went way faster. My expectations towards self-hypnosis were greatly surpassed and I had a labor of a little over two hours.
I recommend the Hypno-Beginning© program to everyone who desires to experience a natural and controlled birth.
Again, thank you for your dedication towards your work!
Stˇphanie Bachard