I had
the immense pleasure to start attending medical missions in 2004 with
the "St-Williams Medical Missionary Team" from Austin Texas.
We went
to Arteaga, Mexico in July 2004 and to Catacamas, Honduras in 2005.
On average
we saw 500 patients per day. Although the days of work were demanding,
the people's warmth and gratefulness made it a life-changing experience.
I want to share with you part of my wonderful journeys with these pictures.
Special thanks to Tino Hernandez who organizes those incredible missions
and brings hope to those who need it the most.
Arteaga, Mexico (July

Our group of missionaries before leaving

Gives you a different perspective on life

We also served as an
attraction for the children

We set-up our clinics in churches

Not your typical waiting room

Hard working little Mexican

A regular day at the office

Some children wanted glasses just to
have something but did not need any

A day of rest and shopping at the market

A cute Mexican home

Proud Mexican boys

Breath-taking scenery
on our way to the mission
Catacamas, Honduras
(February 2005):

A typical Honduran little girl

That's what I call family practice!!

Although we had taken all the necessary precautions and received
all the preventive mesures, we were exposed to very poor sanitary
conditions and many of us got ill. Here doctor Steve Braden is not
feeling well. Luckily, he was back on track the next day to work
with us!

I made friends with Danny, a 16 year old Honduran, who talked with
me for four hours at the airport while I was waiting for the rest
of the group to arrive.

A young 15 year old honduran mother
raising her baby on her own

At the end of the day, people would line up to receive the small
gifts (like pens, stickers, plush toys, and necklaces) we had brought

The children liked to stay around
and look at us working all day long

